Monday, September 12, 2005

new drawings

This is a collection of drawings I'm working on right now. Pen and ink on Rives BFK with embroidery and liquid gold leaf. Classy. Individual views on flickr, with all the other things I'm working on.

This is a counterpart to being totally obsessed with news (SF Gate, The Nation, The Guardian UK) and corporate watchdawg sites like Knowmore and Sage Francis. It's all becoming a giant ball of burning activism. The preparation for the show is going well. I'm hopeful that we'll actually be able to raise a good amount of money to send down to the coast.

I'm getting tired. I really need to sleep long and deep for a good week or so. Argn.


Blogger tiny robot said...

I like the bottom two drawings because of their funky juxtaposition of feminine/masculine images.

I wish I had your dedication. If I did, I'd be published by now. :-)

8:40 AM  
Blogger Jamie Murphey said...

ha. I have my dedication and I'm not published:-)

11:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i like the one-eyed moose. he's got one eye.

1:51 PM  
Blogger meredith said...

awesome! i randomly found your flikr account and looked at your stuff, i'd actually never seen your work before. but i like it much! And then i found your link from there to your blog spot. I've been trying to keep a sort of visual journal sort of thing on my blog as well and so now i think we have things in common. tadaa!
This is Meredith, i came over one time to use Sarah's printer, i see you around a lot. :)

9:39 PM  

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